Board of Education Policies
The electronic version of the Salina USD 305 Board Policy Manual is provided as a service and a convenience to the students, patrons and staff of our school district. Anyone using, citing or referencing text from the electronic version should first check with the superintendent's office for official documentation and updates to this Board Policy Manual. The official manual is maintained in paper format in the superintendent's office and supersedes any and all portions of this electronic version. This online version is not intended for use as a legal reference.
To use this online manual: Click the links below the "Board of Education Policies" heading to access each section of the policy manual.
Board of Education Policies
Section A: School District Organization
Section B: School Board Operations
Section C: General School Administration
Section D: Fiscal Management
Section E: Business Management
Section F: Facility Expansion Program
Section G: Personnel
Section H: Negotiations
Section I: Instructional Program
Section J: Students
Section K: Public Relations Files
Section L: Interorganizational Relations
Section M: Relations with other Education Organizations