Safety and Security
At Salina Public Schools, the safety of our students and staff is our top priority. We continue to review and build processes to support school safety because we know how important a safe learning environment is to academic achievement.
Our Standard Response Actions
Restricted Movement is used when hallways need to be cleared, even during class changes. Students and staff remain in classrooms until directed otherwise. Restricted Movement is often used when there is a medical emergency.
Situation Outside is used when something is happening outside the building that may present a safety issue. Students and staff stay in the building with the building’s exterior doors locked. Situation Outside is often used when something is happening in the community that is unrelated to school.
Situation Inside is used when there is a situation inside the building and we need to safeguard students and staff. If the safest place is a locked classroom, Situation Inside will be used. Students and staff go to the nearest classroom with a door that can be locked.
Evacuation is used when students need to exit the building. In an evacuation, students and staff may stay on campus or move to an alternate location.
See Something, Say Something
We ask that you have a conversation with your student to encourage them to speak to an adult at the school if they hear or see something. Students need to feel safe to learn, and families need to feel confident that their child is safe. Our staff provides the best education for our students when their energy can remain focused on teaching.
Anonymous Reporting
Anonymous reports can be made to:
- STOPit App: software on Chromebooks for students in grades 5-12; can also be downloaded onto mobile devices
- Salina Police Department CRIMESTOPPER Line: (785) 825-TIPS (8477)
- Kansas School Safety Hotline: 1 (877) 626-8203
School Safety Videos
You can learn more about school safety initiatives at Salina Public Schools by viewing our 6 video series below featuring 10 actions to improve school safety, and how we have applied them in our schools.