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Illness Guidelines

General Guidelines

If students are ill, they should remain at home.  Remember to call the school office and tell them when your child is not coming to school. When students return to school, they should be well enough to participate in normal school activities unless they have a written excuse.  A request to be excused from regular activities for an extended period of time must be supported by a physician's statement.

Should a student become ill or injured during the school day, the designated adult will be contacted at home or work.  Therefore, it is important that you keep emergency phone numbers and contact persons' names updated. 

How do I know if I should keep my child home? 

  • FEVER is an important symptom that may indicate a contagious illness. Parents should keep children home during the course of a fever (100.4 degrees or above) and they should not return to school until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication. Students will be sent home from school if their temperature is 100.4 degrees or above.
  • VOMITING AND DIARRHEA if a single episode, may not be reason enough for the child to miss school.   If your child has repeated episodes, keep your child out of school until the illness passes and they are able to tolerate solid foods.  If dehydration is suspected, or other symptoms such as fever, rash, or general weakness are present, consult your doctor.
  • COUGHING with "run-of-the-mill"  cold symptoms should not be a reason to miss school.   However, a deep, productive cough with more severe cold symptoms may indicate bronchitis, flu or even pneumonia.  Greenish or brownish sputum, fever, or difficulty breathing, should be reported to your doctor.
  • STREP THROAT is a highly contagious condition caused by a streptococcal (bacterial) infection.  Signs of possible strep are fever with a sore throat, a severely sore throat of sudden onset, enlarged, cherry red tonsils that may also have white patches, a sore throat that subsides and reappears.  A rash may appear 12 to 48 hours after the onset of illness.  Strep throat should be treated with antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor.  Your student may return to school after 24 hours on an antibiotic if your Dr. permits and if fever free.
  • CONJUNCTIVITIS or pink eye is contagious.  If your child complains of red, burning, swollen eyelids, producing a colored discharge, please have a doctor check them.  Cases requiring treatment with antibiotic eye drops must be treated for 24 hours before returning to school.