Food & Nutrition Services
All schools in USD 305 participate in the National School Breakfast and National School Lunch Program. A variety of affordable food choices are available in our schools that are designed to help students adopt healthy eating habits that can last a lifetime. All menus meet the USDA guidelines with age-appropriate meal patterns and serving sizes. The USD 305 Food and Nutrition Services Department has a staff of more than 100 individuals, who are trained and dedicated to providing nutritious, well-balanced meals in a safe and friendly environment.
All schools have a closed lunch program. Therefore, students remain in the building all day. The specific time schedules for breakfast and lunch will be announced by each building principal.
Laine Norris, MS, RD, LD
Director, Food and Nutrition Services
Eric Johnson
Coordinator, Food and Nutrition Services
Linda Walters
Account Technician, Food and Nutrition Services
Kriscina McNabb
Administrative Assistant, Food and Nutrition Services