Health & Wellness
Health & Wellness Policy
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Sponsor (D0305) Salina
Health & Wellness Committee
Guidelines for all food and beverages sold in schools
- Smart Snacks Standards
- A La Carte
- Vending
- Student Operated Stores/ Snack Bars/ Coffee Bars
- Fundraisers
Smart Snacks Standards
The following nutrition standards have been adopted by USD 305, which are based on the Smart Snacks Standards created by the USDA.
These standards apply to all foods and beverages sold to students at school during the school day, other than those foods provided as part of the school meal programs, including foods and beverages sold a la carte, in school stores, at snack and coffee bars, from vending machines, or through fundraisers.
The Smart Snacks Standards are applicable only during the school day, which is defined as the midnight before to 30 minutes after the end of the school day.
Nutrition Standards for Foods:
- Be a grain product that contains 50 percent or more whole grains by weight or have whole grains as the first ingredient; or
- Have as the first ingredient a fruit, a vegetable, a dairy product, or a protein food; or
- Be a combination food that contains at least ¼ cup of fruit and/or vegetable; and
- The food must meet all the following nutrient standards for calories, sodium, sugar, and fats:
- Calories ≤200 for snack items and ≤350 for entrée items (including accompaniments such as sauces, butter, dressing, cream cheese, etc.)
- Sodium ≤200 mg for snack items and ≤480 mg for entrée items (including accompaniments such as sauces, butter, dressing, cream cheese, etc.)
- Total Fat ≤35% of calories or less for snack and entrée items
- Saturated Fat <10% of calories for snack and entrée items
- Trans Fat 0 g for snack and entrée items
- Sugar ≤ 35% by weight for snack and entrée items
Exempt from all nutrient standards: fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, with no added ingredients; canned fruits packed in 100% juice or light syrup, with no added ingredients except water; canned vegetables (no salt added/low sodium), with no added fats; any entrée item offered as part of the lunch program or the breakfast program if it is sold a la carte on the day of service or the day after service in the lunch or breakfast program.
Exempt from the total fat and saturated fat standards: reduced-fat cheese (including part-skim mozzarella); nuts, seeds, or nut/seed butters; apples with reduced-fat cheese; celery with peanut butter (and unsweetened raisins); whole eggs with no added fat.
Exempt from the total fat standard: seafood with no added fat.
Exempt from the sugar standards: dried fruits with no added sugar; dried cranberries, tart cherries, or blueberries, sweetened only for processing and/or palatability, with no added fats.
Exempt from the total fat, saturated fat and sugar standards: trail mix of only dried fruits and nuts and/or seeds, with no added sugars or fats.
Nutrition Standards for Beverages:
- Plain water, without carbonation (no size limit);
- Unflavored low-fat milk (≤ 8 fl oz);
- Flavored or unflavored non-fat milk (≤ 8 fl oz), including nutritionally equivalent milk alternatives as permitted by the school meal requirements;
- 100% fruit and vegetable juice (≤ 8 fl oz);
- 100% fruit and vegetable juice diluted with water without carbonation, and with no added sweeteners (≤ 8 fl oz)
Middle School
- Plain water, without carbonation (no size limit);
- Unflavored low-fat milk (≤ 12 fl oz);
- Flavored or unflavored non-fat milk (≤ 12 fl oz), including nutritionally equivalent milk alternatives as permitted by the school meal requirements;
- 100% fruit and vegetable juice (≤ 12 fl oz);
- 100% fruit and vegetable juice diluted with water, without carbonation, and with no added sweeteners (≤ 12 fl oz)
High School
- Plain water, with or without carbonation (no size limit);
- Calorie-free, flavored water, with or without carbonation (≤ 20 fl oz);
- Other "calorie-free' beverages (≤ 20 fl oz), with or without carbonation and/or with or without caffeine that are labeled to contain <5 calories per 8 fl oz, or ≤10 calories per 20 fl oz;
- NO carbonated sodas or energy drinks
- Other "lower-calorie' beverages (≤ 12 fl oz), with or without carbonation and/or with or without caffeine that are labeled to contain ≤40 calories per 8 fl oz, or ≤ 60 calories per 12 fl oz (including accompaniments such as sugar, syrup, creamer, etc.);
- Other "lower-calorie' beverages (≤ 12 fl oz), with or without carbonation and/or with or without caffeine that are labeled to contain ≤40 calories per 8 fl oz, or ≤ 60 calories per 12 fl oz (including accompaniments such as sugar, syrup, creamer, etc.);
- NO carbonated sodas or energy drinks
- Unflavored low-fat milk (≤ 12 fl oz);
- Flavored or unflavored non-fat milk (≤ 12 fl oz), including nutritionally equivalent milk alternatives as permitted by the school meal requirements;
- 100% fruit and vegetable juice, with or without carbonation (≤ 12 fl oz);
- 100% fruit and vegetable juice diluted with water, with or without carbonation, and with no added sweeteners (≤ 12 fl oz)
- NO carbonated sodas or energy drinks
A La Carte
- Vended snacks and beverages must meet the same nutrition standards as specified above during the school day.
All district vending machines in all attendance centers, including those in staff lounges, are included in these guidelines.
Access to machines containing carbonated sodas will be accessible to high school students after school hours only.
Vended snacks and beverages are not available to students in elementary schools or middle schools.
Student Operated Stores/ Snack Bars/ Coffee Bars
Foods and beverages sold at fundraisers during the school day must meet the standards as specified above.
Smart Snack standards do not apply to items sold during non-school hours, weekends, or off-campus fundraising events.
One exempt fundraiser per school organization per semester that does not meet the Nutrition Standards during the school day on the school campus will be allowed. An organization is defined as a school group that is approved by the local board of education. Length of the organization's exempt fundraiser cannot exceed 2 days.