Student Transportation
- USD 305 provides transportation for students to and from each attendance center in accordance with state of Kansas guidelines. Students living 2.5 miles or more from their assigned attendance center or living in designated bussing areas are eligible for transportation via designated bus stop pick-up and drop-off locations. A student's eligibility for transportation is determined by their legal residence. USD 305 does not transport students to and from daycare locations.
- Designated bussing areas are locations that require students to cross known hazards such a railroad tracks or 4-lane highways without adequate pedestrian safety mechanisms in place to access their assigned attendance center. Information aboutdesignated bussing areas may be obtained from attendance centers or Durham School Services.
- USD 305 provides transportation for students with an individual education plan (IEP) only if transportation is determined a necessary service by the IEP team. These students are transported to and from their assigned attendance center from their residence.
- USD 305 provides transportation for students deemed homeless in accordance with McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (reauthorized in 2002). Students living 2.5 miles or more from their assigned attendance center are eligible for transportation via designated bus stop pick-up and drop-off locations. Students temporarily living outside their "home school' attendance area are eligible for transportation to their "home school' via designated bus stop pick-up and drop-off locations. Contact USD 305 Administrative Student Support Services to apply for services related to homelessness.
- A "seat-available' option is provided for students attending Lakewood Middle School as agreed to by the Board of Education at the time LMS was opened. Students residing less than 2.5 miles from Lakewood Middle School may sign up for "seat-available' transportation at the time of enrollment. Approximately 2 weeks after classes begin, a determination is made as to how many seats are available on busses for students on the "seat-available' list. Priority is given to students living furthest from LMS for each bus route assigned to LMS. NOTE: USD 305 reserves the right to remove "seat-available' students from the bus roster if a student living 2.5 miles or more from LMS subsequently enrolls. Students must confirm their desire for seat available transportation at the time of enrollment.