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Picture of culinary interns working Feast on the Fe.

Culinary interns from South High School are getting ready for a professional experience in downtown Salina: Feast on the Fe!

South High School culinary interns will plate each course for 200 guests, making sure every dish looks and tastes incredible. And, they are again in charge of the dessert course – earned by their performance at last year’s event. In 2023, they made an impression with their innovative coffee ice cream served in a pizzelle bowl, topped with cocoa powder and a chocolate-covered espresso bean.

Linda Edson, family and consumer science instructor at South High, described the 2023 experience where students worked side-by-side with the best chefs in the area. “Students were so excited to explain to the chefs how they wanted their dessert plated,” Edson explained. “The chefs were impressed with students’ professionalism and the dessert they created.”

Feast on the Fe, a farm to fork fundraising event, offers the perfect opportunity for students to be a part of a unique dining experience. By involving the SPS Culinary Arts program, it provides student interns an opportunity to work a next-level dining experience while they learn valuable skills along the way.

And, the student interns were ready for the challenge. At the end of last year’s event, guests expressed their appreciation with a standing ovation when the interns were introduced.

Salina Public Schools appreciates this opportunity for students to participate in real-life experiences such as Feast on the Fe. If you have an idea for how student interns – in any field – might participate with your business or organization, please contact Melanie Hammond, Career and Technical Education coordinator at 785-309-4671.

Picture of student working the 2023 Feast on the Fe.
Picture of culinary students working the 2023 Feast on the Fe.